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中國金大元御瓏宮廷 Jinda Yuan Yulong Palace Villa

17860 2018-07-12T14:23:28 13 [精品]
设计师: 李紹瀛
中國金大元御瓏宮廷 Jinda Yuan Yulong Palace Villa说明:


The design area of the project is 550 square meters. It is based on modern French style and is designed with modern smart home design to make the villa environment have a new classical atmosphere and comfort. The building is divided into six floors, one of which is the dining room area, the second floor is the master room, the daughter room and the study room, the third floor is the two son room area, the basement is the family room and the audio-visual room; the color is soft beige and white Make the space atmospheric and soft; the material and dining room are mainly made of marble and oil painting and decoration to make the space more special. The carefully selected carpet makes the environment more soft; the second and third floor rooms are comfortable. The main, wood veneer, soft bag and special wallpaper have been shown in different styles. The garden environment has also been designed with reciprocity to make the outdoor space and interior space more compatible.

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