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上海浦東別墅Shanghai Villa

10587 2016-08-06T19:40:40 16 [佳作]
设计师: 李紹瀛
上海浦東別墅Shanghai Villa说明:


The Project is located in Shanghai Pudong Zong Lu spring villas, a total area of 800  square meters. It is divided into four layers, one of which is the guest dining room area and the guest room, the two level is the parents room daughter room and  study, the three layer is the master bedroom area, the basement is the home office  and the video room; Classical style with a new design of the main tone, color with a soft beige and white space become atmosphere and soft; material passenger and dining room and family room with marble mainly with paintings and furnishings to  make he space more outstanding, with careful selection of carpet is general environment to softer. The two and three floor room has comfortable, soft wood veneer, and special wallpaper has different types of displays. In addition villa garden environment has also been released, so that the outdoor space and indoor space more fit.

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