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塞班酒店別墅Saipan Hotel Villa

4816 2016-08-06T19:26:19 10 [推荐]
设计师: 李紹瀛
塞班酒店別墅Saipan Hotel Villa说明:

本項目共有三層約700平方米,設計富現代感簡潔及華麗兼具;全屋以白色為主, 配合塞班海天一色的美麗藍調, 感覺與大自然合而為一的舒服感覺。室內裝修用料均由歐洲進口精細考究,所有傢俬及用品都是由歐洲運到塞班,室內外空間闊落,其中一層是客飯廳及客房,二層是主人套房,書房及客房,地下一層是休閒廳及多功能房,室外是特大的泳池及戶外燒烤廚房,園林環境也經過釋心設計,使室內外空間更配合。

The project has three floors of about 700 square meters, simple and modern design rich and gorgeous both; the whole house in white, with a beautiful sea and sky blues Saipan, feel comfortable with the feeling of nature into one. Interior decoration materials imported from Europe fine workmanship, all furniture and supplies are shipped to the European Saipan, indoor and outdoor space wide fall, one of which is the dining room and guest rooms, the second floor is the master bedroom, den and guest room, basement a lounge and function rooms, an outdoor swimming pool and a large outdoor barbecue kitchen, garden environment has also been designed to release the heart, so that indoor and outdoor space is more complex.

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