综合考虑8 层楼的布局,设计采用“双首层”概念。从地下室1 层至地上3 层被设定为“城市舞台”,通高空间共46 米,形成一个广阔的巨型中庭。几何肌理在大面积的橙色中蔓延,既增添了中庭的活力和生机,又与建筑外立面相呼应。飞云梯将游客从1 层带入4 层,切换到第二个“首层”——天空之城Laputa。这里的色彩运用更丰富、鲜明,设计语言更天马行空,让人置身魔幻空间之中。7 层以上有个建筑布局遗留的小瑕疵,一个多出的半层空间,室内设计师成功激活为可让食客在悠闲的外摆空间中享用美食。
Woods Bagot has embarked on the interior design of the retail component of Greenland Center, situated close to the Yangtze River in Wuhan.
Woods Bagot’s vision is to develop a creative social retail hub. The distinctive interior design and strategy seeks to deliver a new retail concept alongside entertainment and experiences that goes beyond shopping, appeals to the young generation of shoppers and addresses the future of retail.
The eight levels of Greenland Center have been split into a dual mood design, with Basement 1 to Level 3 envisaged as an urban stage. An extremely large atrium forms a vast void at the heart of the mall on Level 1 extending 46 metres up to the ceiling of Level 3. Level 4 represents an imagined isle of Laputa and marks the start of another zone within the mall – a place to discover new experiences and indulge curiosity. From Level 4 through Level 7, the retail concept focuses on lifestyle experiences and passion clusters – spaces where visitors can go to indulge in their interests and hobbies, and meet others with similar passions, thereby connecting and creating communities. Sports and style are featured on Level 5 where a rock-climbing wall and an indoor basketball court are located, while on Level 6, aside from a cinema, there is an area for art and DIY crafts. Level 7 is home to Yama, a magical forest-themed place to play, eat and drink, filled with natural light and a wealth of greenery. There are also numerous fine dining restaurants, some of which allow shoppers to overlook the basketball court.
Greenland Center is a place for having fun. The ever-changing space seeks to redefine retail by not only providing themed, interactive stores and new retail concepts but also experiences of discovery and opportunities to connect.