作品分类 > 室内设计 > 商业空间 > 廖奕权作品
Farm Direct 綠悠派
百分百香港本土出産的水耕蔬菜品Farm Direct 的首間形象店。設計概念是用最原始最便宜的材料打造出歐洲local shop 的感覺。非常耀眼的外牆是用上一般的紅毛磚,掃上白色油漆底,再噴上有漸變效果的綠色模仿出新鮮蔬菜的感覺。
室内地面用了用來耕種的火山石,牆身用上麻布質感的地毯感覺非常温馨。櫃身用了原木條併砌而成,沒有掃上不必要的油漆,感覺更清新自然。天花用了自製的LED吊燈, 感覺就像蔬菜的根部,也為店內增添了一些視覺效果。
This is Farm Direct’s first concept store. The store’s principal business is in the sales of 100% Hong Kong locally produced hydroponic vegetables. The design concept is about using the cheapest and the most primitive materials to create a European styled store. The red bricks forming the bright exterior are overlaid with a brushed white finish along with a sprayed green vignette, which is a reflection of the fresh produce available in store. The interior floor is laid with volcanic rocks, a characteristic used in this specialized method of farming. Linen textured carpet lining the wall creates a space of warmth and coziness, whilst the unfinished wood panels, that are used to construct the display cabinets, continue the fresh and natural theme. The visualization of vegetable roots and stems is achieved by the handcrafted LED ceiling-hung light fixtures.
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